Do not use any artificial fertilizers at initial planting time, but the addition of old well-rotted animal manures with a small amount of blood and bone well dug in is beneficial. Once the roses are established they like a rich diet. That means the addition of plenty of organic matter such as old manures (with the addition of Sulphate of Potash to increase flowering), All in 1 organic manure or Organic Plus but you can frequently alternate organic fertilizers with ‘balanced’ chemical products such as Richgro Rose Fertiliser in early Spring, the middle of Summer and early Autumn. For a quick pick-me-up, use a foliar fertilizer like Thrive or Aquasol every two weeks.
BLACK SPOT: Probably the most troublesome disease, black spot cannot be cured,
so a preventable spraying program is necessary. Immediately after winter pruning, spray the roses and surrounding ground with Lime Sulphur then two weeks later with Copper Oxychloride. In early Spring, when good growth commences, start spraying thoroughly every 10 days. The following fungicide sprays are considered effective ~ Triforine, Mancozeb Plus and Rose Shield.
REMEMBER: Don’t water foliage late in the evening.
MILDEW: Mainly effects the young growth and is usually at its worst where night
air is cool and dews are prevalent. Spray every 10 days with Triforine or Rose Shield.
REMEMBER: Don’t water foliage late in the evening.
PESTS AND INSECTS: Aphids, two spotted mite and other sucking insects can be controlled with the following ~ Eco-neem, Pyrethum and White Oil, Malathon, Mavrik or Confidor.
CATERPILLARS AND CHEWING PESTS: Can be eradicated by using Carbaryl Pyrethrum, Eco-neem or Success.
Occasionally a shoot from the rootstock grows and is known as a “sucker”. It will come from below the graft. This growth must be removed immediately as it grows quite vigorously and will completely take over the plant.